Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions
Don't let the treasure trove of data sit uncollected, inaccessible, unutilized, start gaining the insight to become more relevant to your customers, drive operational excellence, beat your competition and improve your bottom line.

Are you gaining actionable intelligence from your Data?

Our data engineering services have been utilized by the likes of

We specialize in providing Data Engineering expertise to seamlessly work in collaboration with your existing team to support your journey to become a data driven company.

Data engineering expertise

We are a unique data engineering services company because we focus on being the best at one thing – data engineering. We hire and develop data engineers that understand the latest tools, platforms and processes to architect solutions that meet the unique requirements of our clients, whether they are looking for best in class or the right fit to meet their constraints.

Return on Investment

Combining data engineering expertise, with high quality software development, and leveraging a cost effective team near or offshore, we are able to position our clients to achieve positive outcomes from their data engineering projects.

Delivering data analytics solutions

Data Engineering must include excellence in Software Engineering: solid delivery management with agile principles, CI/CD practices, data consistency check and data quality tests, data security and data protection, UAT, data governance. However data projects differ from other software development projects in that a data will never go to a stable end state.
Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions

Focus of our data engineering services is on these data stages.

Stage or ingest your data

For the data available in the diverse systems ERP, CRM, Billing usually an additional snapshot is needed.
Either you have already data lake, data warehouse, data platform or not, we can help you to choose one or integrate a new data flows in an existing solution.
Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions
Depending on the data architecture and data modelling approach the data validation rules might be needed to be defined and applied.
Quite offen on the early stage of data analysis is getting obvious that erroneous data need to be cleansed, in some cases the reference data need to be added to enhance the analytical capabilities.

Ensure the quality of your data

Design the flexible data model

The heart of any analytical solution is the data model.
Depending on your choice of the data platform, data architecture (data lake, data warehouse), technology, cloud provider, or on already implemented solution we can evaluate and offer ways to get actionable intelligence on your data considering ROI.
Soname Solutions
Soname Solutions
2. The Data Supply for further Data Consumers and Systems within the company IT landscape or publicly available domains through open APIs.
1. The Data Visualization: creating Dashboards and Reports that provide the KPI which are relevant and transparent to your internal or external customers.
In this stage we can help you with:

    Enable data utilization

    We cover main stages from Data Integration to Data Visualization, drawing on the latest platforms, tools and processes to architect the individual solution that enables the maximum of your data utilization.

    Self-service enabling
    Data visualization and reporting


    Performance tuning
    Data Modelling


    Data integration frameworks
    Streaming and Batch

    Big Data stack

    Applications integration
    Metadata driven approach
    Migration into Cloud


    Custom data integration, CDC frameworks

    Data Integration

    Integration with Enterprise systems
    Architecture assessment
    Data Lake, DWH design

    Data Architecture

    Technical expertise

    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions


    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions

    Data Integration

    Big Data stack

    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions


    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions


    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions

    We will assess project requirements by scalability, modifiability, performance, self-service capability, security, specific vendor selection to find best architecture and best tools for project implementation.

    Soname Solutions
    Bringing your data to the reports requires a good preparation, majority of data visualization tools need data organized as facts and dimensions.

    Data Visualization

    In order to get more insights from your data, the data architecture is a key of any data platform or landscape. We can assess your existing approaches or help to design a new architecture of any complexity data solutions

    Data architecture

    Cloud is designed to process data at any size and scale, still you need to pay attention what is the best composition of the diverse services of your cloud provider to achieve the best solution keeping the costs under control.


    ETL or ELT, lambda or EC2, plain Java or SQL , push down or server processing all this are just few of significantly more aspects data processing may have.

    Data processing

    Soname Solutions

    What our customers think about Soname

    Soname is very good in onboarding of the new team members. In order to extend our BI solutions the knowledge of our extensive data warehouse is indispensable. Every Sonamer we worked with is best prepared for our environment.
    Soname Solutions

    We are a team of enthusiastic data professionals

    The well-being of our customers' business is our top priority.
    Soname Solutions
    We understand the business of our customers, commit ourselves for a result. We value our reputation and never let you down.
    Mikita Kalmikov
    Co-founder, Head of Technology
    Siarhei Sobal
    Co-founder, Head of Operations

    Let's talk!

    Is there a challenge your organization or company needs help solving? We'd love to discuss it.
    Soname Solutions
    Soname Solutions
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